We have five new babies, 3 boys and 2 girls. Hadasha is about 1 year old. She was abandoned a few kilometers from HLCH. On admission, she had a very bad skin disease and she has been going through treatment. No matter what she has gone through, she has the best smile and she enjoys being at Happy Life. I think even before she was finally abandoned by her parents, emotionally, she was rarely cared for and emotionally she had already been abandoned. However, she has found a home her face is a face of hope.
These other four children were among the five who were supposed to be admitted at HLCH on 2nd August. We were from the children’s court to pick them when our van was involved in an accident, about 3 kilometers from Happy Life and one boy (baby Michael – one year old) never made it to the home but passed on. Jacob and Esther had a fracture on the leg but Edwin and Casper escaped unhurt. Amazingly, they are healing very well and Jacob is strong and standing. I, Judy ( the social worker) and Paul the driver were also in the same van but It‘s a miracle that we escaped with minor injuries. Glory to God!