Its hard to believe that it has been 14 years since we started Happy life. The picture below shows everyone in 2005, ten years later we are 150!. We are so grateful to God for his provision
When you are young you worry about very little and nothing worries you as such. Jesus says unless we are like these little children we shall not inherit his kingdom. So its a challenge to those of us that worry all the time to just let God!
Adam was abandoned by his mother in a public place a good Samaritan found the baby who looked weak and took him to hospital. He is approximately 3 weeks old. Our care givers are taking good care of him.
Yesterday was a good day for Peter his mother finally came for him. We pray that his grandmother will take good care of him as his mother continues with school.
On Wednesday the children's department came for Ryan and transferred him to an institution near where he was found. He was a good boy and we wish him all the best and pray that his mother comes for him
He was abandoned by his mother in a market place. A vendor reported the matter to the police. After two days when the mother heard she resurfaced, but was of course apprehended and taken to police custody.