Friday, October 27, 2017

Taavi has been adopted

This year God has remembered our older kids and especially boys.  Many people prefer to adopt infants but we have seen more and more people adopting older kids.  We were so excited to see Taavi go, we wish him all the best.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Meet baby Doug

We are seeing it more and more now, mothers choosing to give their babies up for adoption.  We thank God that at least they don't cause them any harm.  Doug's mum is a 17 year old teen, who has another child.  We are going to  give him all the love and care he needs and pray that God brings a good family to adopt him.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Happy Life welcome's Scott

Sometimes we only have to find solace in God and believe that there is still some good left in the world.  Somebody just decided that they have had enough of their baby and left him, with a blind woman who needed help herself, thanks to this good hearted lady she kept Scott  till the police were notified.  We have him now and he is  surrounded by love and care.


This hopeful eyes and smiles makes us realise that all worth it!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Meet Amanda Joy

Looking at this beautiful girl, you can never guess how tough her few weeks on earth has been.  We are giving her shelter for now as the police sort the issue with her parents.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Happy Life Christian School

We thank God for the tremendous growth we have seen in our Juja Centre, God  has continued to bless us in so many ways.  We are glad that the bakery is slowly picking and we are seeing people start liking our bread.