Mayana and her Mother, What a joy!
Ephie (Papa) and his parents - They really look alike!
When Ephie's adoptive parents came to identify their child, they wanted a boy between 6 months and one year old. We had informed the adoption agency that the boy we had of that age did not have one document which would take one or two months. After negotiating with the adoption agency, they requested if we would show them a 1 1/2 years old child although they were not sure since they wanted a child less than one year old. When I took them to see Ephie, and I told them his name, they laughed a lot and I thought, what could be the problem? I tried to ask them but they could not stop laughing. Ephie is not a common name in Kenya and so I thought, may be they find the name funny. When they later came to the office they told me that the reason why they were laughing so is because they had decided that their adoptive son will be called Ephie, the short form of Ephraim and they were amazed! Isn't God amazing? they said. So our son has been here all along.